Build a Strong Business Case

Use this toolkit to develop and pitch a winning business case for your risk, compliance, internal audit or any other risk-related program, large or small!

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Overview of "The Winning Business Case"

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

How to Build a Strong Business Case for Risk-Related Projects

Business Case / Persuasion

The Winning Business Case

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

Define Your Purpose Before You Begin (Step 1 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Establish Value by Connecting to Business Objectives (Step 2 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Know the Stakeholders (Step 3 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Know Your Audience (Step 4 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Sketch out a "Big Idea" That Can be Socialized (Step 5 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Force Yourself to Consider More Than One Way to Execute Your Idea (Step 6 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Create Blueprints for Each Option (Step 7 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Analyze Costs, Benefits and Risks Associated with Each Option (Step 8 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Calculate ROI, NPV, IRR and Other Economic Justification (Step 9 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Select Preferred Solution (Step 10 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion

Identify Opportunities to Use the Principles of Persuasion (Step 11 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

Use the Principles of Storytelling to Create a Compelling and Memorable Narrative (Step 12 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

Use the Principles of Effective Visual Design (Step 13 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

Presenting in Person (Step 14 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion Communication / Training

Follow-Up to Gain Resolution (Step 15 of 15)

Business Case / Persuasion