Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy

This page hosts the OCEG Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy. It also includes a copy of the OCEG and GRC Certify Exam Terms of Service and Policy that are presented at each exam attempt.

OCEG is global, but to ensure clarity, consistency, and transparency; our official policies are published exclusively in English. Maintaining an authoritative version helps avoid discrepancies and ensures all users have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information.


إشعار رسمي بخصوص الشروط والأحكام

لضمان الوضوح والاتساق والشفافية، يتم نشر سياساتنا الرسمية حصريًا باللغة الإنجليزية على الرابط التالي:


إن الحفاظ على نسخة موثوقة يساعد في تجنب التباينات ويضمن وصول جميع المستخدمين إلى المعلومات الأكثر دقة وتحديثاً. نقدر تفهمكم وتعاونكم. للمساعدة، يرجى التواصل على البريد الالكتروني



Pemberitahuan Syarat dan Ketentuan ResmiUntuk memastikan kejelasan, konsistensi, dan transparansi; kebijakan resmi kami dipublikasikan secara eksklusif dalam bahasa Inggris di https://www.oceg.org/terms-of-service/
Mempertahankan versi resmi membantu menghindari perbedaan dan memastikan semua pengguna memiliki akses ke informasi yang paling akurat dan terkini. Kami menghargai pengertian dan kerja sama Anda. Untuk bantuan lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi support@oceg.org


공식 약관 공지명확성, 일관성 및 투명성을 보장하기 위해 저희의 공식 정책은 https://www.oceg.org/terms-of-service/ 에서 영어로만 게시됩니다. 권위 있는 버전을 유지하는 것은 불일치를 방지하고 모든 사용자가 가장 정확하고 최신 정보를 접할 수 있도록 합니다. 이해와 협조에 감사드립니다. 추가 도움이 필요하시면 mailto: support@oceg.org 로 연락해 주십시오.

Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy

By registering in the OCEG Site, you are entering into an OCEG Membership Agreement and Software License set out below, which is a contract between you and OCEG. You are agreeing to be a party to this contract by registering through any of the following actions:

  • Submitting your registration either by filling out fields on the Site registration form or by using your Google, Apple, or LinkedIn profile to register with one click
  • Registering to attend any OCEG webinar
  • Registering to download any content from the OCEG Site
  • Purchasing an OCEG All Access Pass (AAP) or some other paid product
  • Registering an AAP using a coupon code that has been provided to you by OCEG, your employer, any OCEG training partner, or any OCEG GRC Solutions Council member company
  • Applying for or taking a certification exam

OCEG Right to Cancel for Violations. OCEG reserves the right to cancel memberships and subscriptions, free or paid, with no refund, for violating the OCEG Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy; and the OCEG and GRC Certify Exam Terms of Service and Policy.

If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of the OCEG Membership Agreement and Software License (hereinafter referred to as the or this Agreement), you should not take any of the above-listed actions.

You are referred to as “Member” in the Agreement.

OCEG Membership Agreement and Software License

In consideration of OCEG providing Member with a license to use the OCEG software service (hereinafter “the OCEG Site”) to obtain or access resources, training, and webinars, Member agrees to the following terms:

  1. Intellectual Property and Use of Site Content
    1. All materials and content on the OCEG Site is the intellectual property of OCEG (except some content submitted by members of OCEG, such as content from our GRC Solution Council members, which is marked as such) (hereinafter referred to collectively as Site Content). Members' use of any of the OCEG Site Content is governed by the terms set out below and in the OCEG Site Terms of Use, which are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement.
    2. OCEG makes the Site Content available to Member solely for personal use, including internal use within the organization where Member is employed. Site Content includes but is not limited to Illustrations, eBooks, Survey Reports, Infographics, Webinar Recordings and Slides, and On Demand Videos. If Member wishes to use any Site Content in public presentations or for commercial purposes or wishes to customize any content for internal use in Member’s organization, please contact OCEG (or the relevant content contributing member) for use and licensing information.
    3. Member agrees that Member will not use any OCEG Site Content to market services, generate revenue, or otherwise provide commercial services, either personally or through Member’s organization, without first obtaining a commercial use license from OCEG. If Member or Member’s organization improperly uses such Site Content for any commercial purpose, Member agrees that Member or Member’s organization will pay OCEG three times the fee for commercial use licenses for such item(s) at OCEG’s then prevailing license rates and to refrain from further use if so requested by OCEG.
    4. Member also agrees to not use for commercial purposes any Site Content that is the intellectual property of any other OCEG member without first gaining permission from such member (or member organization if a GRC Solutions Council member is the source of the material or content).
    5. There is some content on the Site, in particular a few of the open source standards, which OCEG provides under a “copyleft” agreement (details are available at OCEG Licensing). OCEG understands that some organizations are not able to use open source content and code in their products and/or projects. As such, even when there is a copyleft license, OCEG also offers other licenses that may allow Member to include this content in a Member or Member organization project/product. Contact support@oceg.org for details about licensing.
    6. From time to time, OCEG may post content in the OCEG Site that Member may contribute to share with other OCEG members. Member hereby certifies that any document or other submission delivered to OCEG for posting or publication is original to Member as the author or is in the public domain or Member has gained permission to post the document or a link to the document; that such posting or publication does not infringe or violate any law or the intellectual property rights of any third party; and that the document has not been published, sold, licensed, pledged or otherwise encumbered such that it may not be posted on the OCEG Site. OCEG refers to member submissions as “User Submissions” subject to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Provisions, further discussed in paragraph 10 of the Terms of Use below. The presentation of any User Submissions on the OCEG Site is solely within OCEG’s discretion, and OCEG may remove any User Submissions at any time for any reason. Any User Submissions are solely the views of the contributing member, and OCEG neither endorses nor joins in those views. Member agrees to hold OCEG harmless and to indemnify and defend OCEG against any claims it may face that arise from Member’s User Submissions.
  2. Receipt and Use of Member Data
    1. By entering into this OCEG Member Agreement, Member acknowledges that Member data is collected by OCEG within the United States through the OCEG website and grants OCEG permission to use Member’s personal data in certain ways as detailed below and in the OCEG Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into this Agreement.
    2. OCEG agrees to comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the use and processing of Member’s data, as detailed below and in the OCEG Privacy Policy. Member agrees that OCEG is collecting and processing Member’s data through the OCEG website within the United States, even if Member resides elsewhere.
    3. Member agrees that OCEG may use Member’s personal data to:
      1. Serve Member by communicating with Member by email and in-app systems, including communications about available OCEG resources and events; forwarding of OCEG Member announcements offering resources and events; answering questions and offering information about GRC certifications held by or available to Member; and other communications regarding OCEG based on Member’s preferences and site use history.
      2. Enforce the terms of this Agreement, for example, regarding the limited licensing of Site Content for non-commercial use.
      3. Provide Member contact information and webinar participation information (such as answers to polls and questions asked) to sponsors of Site Content downloaded, or webinars attended by Member, for follow up contact by sponsors (Member may in some cases limit or reject future contact by sponsors when filling out registration forms on the OCEG site, or may otherwise directly unsubscribe from sponsor communications or ask sponsor to stop contact or remove their data from sponsor possession).
      4. When Member has an All Access Pass provided through a subscription (bundle) purchased and managed by Member’s employer, OCEG may provide the employer with information regarding such Member’s certification status and a person assigned by the employer to manage the bundle may view such information via a bundle manager dashboard.
      5. Provide GRC Certify, OCEG's accreditation organization, with Member names and emails as necessary to facilitate the administration of any certification exams and issuance of certifications for which any Member applies.
      6. Enforce the Exam Terms of Service and Policy, for example, to maintain evidence that Member adhered to or violated these terms.
      7. Enforce the Unified Certification Maintenance program, for example, to maintain evidence that the Member adhere to or violated this program.
      8. Address and investigate any violations of Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy including false claims associated with initial and renewal charges. This may include customer communications about account and billing matters.
    4. OCEG agrees that it will not sell or distribute Member data to any third party, except as such data is provided to Site Content sponsors in accordance with sub-paragraph c. above.
  3. Member Data Protection
    1. OCEG agrees to comply with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the processing and protection of Member’s personal data and shall take all reasonable steps to protect Member’s personal data as required by applicable laws and regulations. OCEG shall maintain appropriate security measures to protect personal data, including appropriate technical and organizational measures, to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing, access by individuals who are not in need of the data to do their job for OCEG, and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. Member data will be encrypted.
    2. OCEG may store Member data in systems provided by third-party software-as-service providers located in the United States or elsewhere and shall confirm that such providers are managing the data in accordance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.
    3. In the event of a data breach that involves Member personal data (Personal Data Breach), OCEG will:
      1. promptly take all necessary and appropriate corrective action to remedy the underlying causes of the Personal Data Breach and make reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that such Personal Data Breach will not recur;
      2. notify Member without unreasonable delay, providing reasonable detail of the Personal Data Breach and likely impact on Data Subjects; and
      3. take any action required by applicable law.
    4. OCEG shall retain Member data as long as necessary to meet the stated uses of such data and to support OCEG legal and operational requirements, and statistical, historical and research uses. If Member downloads any Site Content and then asks OCEG to remove all of Member’s data, OCEG shall do so within a reasonable period of time, but shall indefinitely retain Member’s data in as much detail as necessary to ensure that OCEG can enforce the limited license terms of this Agreement. This includes records of details regarding what items were downloaded by Member (title of items and dates downloaded) and Member’s contact information. This includes records of details regarding any Member attempts at certification exams. This includes records of details regarding Member's adherence to or violation of the Unified Certification Maintenance program. Also, is required by various certification authorities such as GRC Certify and NASBA to maintain identifiable information about your participation in learning events including your registration, attendance and answers to any polls or surveys, and we shall do so to be able to comply and to satisfy any audit by such authorities.
    5. Member may request the following actions by using links provided in the Member profile on the OCEG site (top right of any page in the site):
      1. access to a copy of the information comprised in their personal data;
      2. have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed.
    6. In no event does OCEG retain credit card data obtained if Member purchases an AAP or other items through the OCEG website. Such data is collected only by OCEG’s third party credit card processor and never enters OCEG’s possession.
  4. Paid Access, Cancelation and Refund Policy
    1. Paid access (All Access Pass and other levels of access passes) requires payment which establishes Member’s enhanced access for twelve months. Member may not transfer account to another individual.
    2. Company subscriptions or bundles (e.g., Team Bundles or All Access Pass bundles) are established at the organizational level and a subscription manager for the organization will determine who within the organization may use the accompanying licenses. We are only able to share information about these subscriptions and bundles with the subscription manager.
    3. Renewal Policy. If Member purchases an All Access Pass or any other subscription-based access by credit card through our Site, Member agrees that the card will be automatically charged upon annual renewal dates and/or for scheduled monthly payments following the initial term.

      The initial term is generally one (1) year ending at 00:00 AM. OCEG generally uses the purchase time of day to attempt renewal. However, Member understands that renewal may occur as early as 00:00 AM on the renewal date. Member agrees that the initial term will end at 00:00 AM and any renewal that does not succeed will be deemed a failure and subscription will be expired/canceled. OCEG has the right to retry payments for up to 8 times over 2 months. OCEG is not required to retry transactions and may expire/cancel a subscription for payment failures or issues.

      For example, and to avoid doubt, if a Member purchases on January 15, 2024 at 9:23 AM, then their subscription renews on January 15, 2025 at 00:00 AM. Member agrees that if a transaction fails on or after January 15, 2025 at 00:00am, then OCEG has the right to either expire/cancel the subscription or to retry the payment.

      OCEG has the right to retry this renewal payment until March 15, 2025. If a retried payment succeeds then the subscription will resume from the original renewal date of January 15, 2025 even if the retried payment succeeds at a later date. For example, if a retried payment succeeds February 6, 2025 at 4:00 PM, the subscription will resume from the renewal date of January 15, 2025.
    4. Cancelation Policy. If Member wishes to cancel a subscription at any time after the initial term, Member may access "Billing & Receipts" features of Member’s profile (upper right corner of the Site). There are several options to cancel automatic renewal including the options to turn off autorenewal/autopay or to immediately terminate the account. To make things extremely easy and obvious, we employ a "click-to-cancel" feature that requires fewer steps to cancel that it takes to make a purchase.
    5. Refund Policy. All purchases are final. No refunds. Member agrees to cancel prior to the renewal date and acknowledges that once an initial charge or renewal charge has been processed, it will not be refunded and that all fees and charges are nonrefundable.

      Member acknowledges that OCEG incurs nonrefundable costs associated with the activation and renewal of subscriptions, so exceptions are NOT possible. Member acknowledges that while some jurisdictions afford default rules for refunds, or a "cooling off period," an exception is a digital product that provides immediate access to digital services. Member confirms understanding that no refunds are issued by OCEG for OCEG Site and Site Content.
    6. Member agrees that any false disputes filed with credit card issuers will immediately terminate all services without refund. Members who falsely dispute valid transactions will be immediately banned from future membership and all certifications will be immediately revoked.
    7. Member also agrees to make any necessary changes to credit card information or update expiration dates prior to renewal dates through the “Billing & Receipts” section of the OCEG Site. If Member allows a subscription to expire, then any discount or prior pricing associated with the expired subscription also expire. Access to the OCEG Site will require a new subscription at current pricing.
    8. All Paid access is offered as-is and decisions should be based on information available on the website. This includes the currently available certifications and resources. Any resources marked as "forthcoming" or "early access" or "coming soon" may not pass quality assurance and beta testing and should not be considered for purchase decisions.
  5. Member, Employee and Partner Conduct
    1. OCEG expects all members, employees and partners to conduct themselves professionally.
    2. OCEG has a strict “no rude people” policy and we take a proactive, zero-tolerance approach to rudeness by members, OCEG employees or partners.
    3. OCEG has no tolerance for dishonest, manipulative, belittling, or other rude behavior.
    4. OCEG has no tolerance for anyone who believes being rude is a strategy for making progress.
    5. OCEG has no tolerance for anyone who plays politics or cuts corners as a technique to reach some end.
    6. OCEG has no tolerance for harassment, abuse, deception, physical aggression, threats, or theft.
    7. OCEG reserves the right to cancel memberships and subscriptions, free or paid, with no refund, for being rude to a member, OCEG employee or partner.
  6. Community Participation. At OCEG, we value the collaboration and engagement of our members in furthering our mission. Our community platform, facilitated through a third-party system, serves as a space for meaningful discussions and connections so long as members follow these guidelines:
    1. Participation Guidelines: Respect and courtesy are paramount. Engage in constructive dialogue that contributes positively to the community.
    2. Mission-Centric Conversations:
      Join discussions related to OCEG's mission, resources, and relevant industry topics. Your insights help drive positive change.
    3. OCEG Staff Interaction:
      Interact with OCEG staff members who actively participate in the community. Your feedback and questions are crucial to our continuous improvement. However, if you need help regarding any feature of the website, certification and education information, billing or other individual issues please do not raise this through the community feature. Instead, please use the support feature on the OCEG website.
    4. Third-Party System Usage:
      Our community operates through a third-party system that you will have to sign up for to participate in the community. Familiarize yourself with its terms of use for seamless participation.
    5. Moderation:
      OCEG reserves the right to moderate community content to maintain a respectful and focused community environment. OCEG reserves the right to moderate access (and to revoke access) to maintain a respectful and focused community environment.
    6. Changing Platforms:
      Please note that the third-party system may change over time. Refer to communications for updates on the current platform.
    7. Content Sharing:
      1. Caution Regarding Uploads: Members of the OCEG Community may have the option to share documents or other types of files for collaborative purposes. However, it is crucial to adhere to ethical and legal standards when uploading any material.
      2. Responsibility for Uploaded Content: Members are solely responsible for ensuring they have the necessary authority and permissions to share any document within the community.
      3. Prohibited Content: Do not upload documents containing sensitive or confidential information without proper authorization and do not upload any offensive material, marketing material, or material unrelated to the purpose of the OCEG Community.
      4. OCEG's Limited Liability: OCEG assumes no responsibility or liability for the content uploaded by community members. Each member is responsible for verifying the appropriateness of shared materials and permission for posting.
      5. Legal Compliance: Ensure that uploaded documents comply with all relevant laws and regulations. OCEG disclaims any liability arising from non-compliance.
      6. Reporting Inappropriate Content: Report any content that violates these guidelines to OCEG staff for prompt review and action.
      7. Removal of Inappropriate Content: OCEG reserves the right to remove any uploaded content that violates these terms or Community guidelines.
      8. Agreement to Content Sharing Terms: By participating in document sharing within the OCEG Community, members acknowledge their responsibility for the content they upload and agree to abide by ethical and legal standard
    8. Reporting Concerns:
      Report any concerns or violations of community guidelines to OCEG staff for prompt resolution.
  7. Official Language for Support and Terms
    1. While OCEG translates materials and content into several languages, we provide all support in English. All support requests initiated in another language may not receive a response because they will not be understood. Please try to use AI or technology to translate your request into English.
    2. OCEG is global, but to ensure clarity, consistency, and transparency; our official policies are published exclusively in English. Maintaining an authoritative version helps avoid discrepancies and ensures all users have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information.

OCEG Site Terms of Use

By using the OCEG Site, you are agreeing to comply with the following Terms of Use.

By registering on the OCEG Site, downloading any content from the OCEG Site or registering for any OCEG webinar through the Site, you are entering into a binding contractual agreement with OCEG, which is the OCEG Membership Agreement and Software License that is set forth above. Read that Agreement before downloading or copying any content from the OCEG Site.

  1. Unlawful Site Use
    1. You agree not to use the OCEG Site for any unlawful purpose. We reserve the right to terminate or restrict your access if, in our opinion, your use may violate any laws, infringe upon another person’s rights or violate these Terms of Use or the OCEG Membership Agreement and Software License.
    2. We may refuse to grant you a user name that impersonates someone else, is protected by trademark or other proprietary right law, or is vulgar or otherwise offensive.
  2. Use of Materials
    1. All materials and content on this Site, including all original documents to which links are provided, are the copyrighted work of OCEG, unless otherwise noted. Some content posted by OCEG is provided by members of OCEG or member companies on the OCEG GRC Solutions Council (collectively, all of the materials and content are hereinafter referred to as “Site Content”).
    2. As a condition of using the OCEG Site, you agree not to copy or create screenshots of any Site Content, or to create abstracts from, scrape or display headlines from the Site for use on another web Site or service. You agree not to post any Site Content to newsgroups, mail lists or electronic bulletin boards, without our prior written consent. To request consent for this and other matters, please contact us at support@oceg.org.
    3. Documents or any other Site Content (with the exception of public exposure draft documents) may be downloaded, copied and distributed within your own organization on a limited basis for non-commercial purposes only, provided that any copies include the OCEG copyright notice in a clearly visible position. Public exposure draft documents may not be copied for distribution, but anyone may register and download their own copies from the Site. Downloading Site Content constitutes your consent to enter into the OCEG Membership Agreement, which is posted above. Please read the Agreement before proceeding to download any Site Content.
    4. Please note that some downloaded documents will be stamped with a single user non-commercial license and you may want to have others in your organization register and download their own copies instead of distributing your copy, so that you can be sure to prevent further redistribution of an item licensed to you.
  3. Commercial Use of Materials
    1. OCEG Site Content may not be copied or redistributed for commercial purposes or for compensation of any kind except as provided for in a commercial use license from OCEG. This means that you must first ensure that your organization has arranged a commercial use license before you use these materials in consulting engagements or use the content in any software application which you sell or otherwise make available to clients or customers.
    2. You also may not use any OCEG materials in presentations or publications which support marketing efforts by your organization without prior approval from OCEG.
    3. If you have questions about these terms, or would like information about licensing materials from OCEG, please contact us via email at support@oceg.org.
  4. Third Party Web Sites, Services and Software
    1. We may link to or promote web sites or services from other companies on the OCEG Site or offer you the ability to download content or software from other companies. You agree that we are not responsible for, and do not control, those web sites, services, content and software and are not responsible for their actions.
  5. Changes to Terms of Use
    1. We may change these terms at any time by notifying you of the change electronically, using the e-mail address we have on record for you. If you have unsubscribed from email notification, you will be able to find the changes in this document, which you can access at any time by clicking on “Terms of Use” at the bottom of the Site homepage.
    2. Your use of the OCEG Site after changes are made to this document means that you agree to be bound by such changes.
  6. Privacy
    1. Registration data and other information about you is subject to our Privacy Policy which is presented below.
    2. If you are located outside of the United States, note that information that you provide to us is being sent to, collected and processed within the United States. By registering on the OCEG Site, you consent to your data being sent to the United States and managed pursuant to U.S. legal requirements.
  7. Fees, Payments, and Taxes
    1. You agree to pay All Access Pass subscription and any other charges incurred in connection with your username and password for OCEG at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred.
    2. If you’ve elected to pay by credit card, we will bill all charges to your credit card upon receipt of your application or purchase with an additional 3% fee for credit card use, except in the case of individual All Access Pass purchases.
    3. Depending on your location, OCEG may charge applicable sales taxes associated with your membership. The amount of tax charged will be based on the billing information provided by the customer. As the regulatory landscape evolves and our organization continues to grow, we may need to adjust our tax policy in the future to comply with applicable laws and regulations. By using our services, you acknowledge and agree that OCEG shall not be held liable for any unpaid taxes or any penalties, interest, or other expenses arising from your failure to comply with your tax obligations.
    4. Upon commencement of an All Access Pass (AAP or premium access) subscription or organizational subscription (a bundle of AAPs), or purchase of any item, initiated either by phone, online, or e-mail, or postal mail, there are no cancellations and no refunds of fees or any portion thereof under any circumstances. AAPs may be cancelled at any time, charges will be stopped as of the next billing period following cancellation. There is no pro rata refund if cancellation of an annually billed AAP is cancelled prior to the end of the then current membership year term (which is 12 months rolling from the date of initiation).
    5. An organization becomes bound as a paying member of the OCEG GRC Solutions Council, or as a purchaser of a bundle of AAPs, after either signing up with a representative by phone, or by faxing in an application form. Once the application has been submitted, regardless of whether or not the applying organization has remitted the payment, all sales are final, and all fees are due.
    6. If you are authorized to access the OCEG Site through arrangements between your employer and us, some or all of these “Fees and Payments” terms may not apply to you. Please contact your employer representative to OCEG for details.
  8. Unauthorized Use of Accounts
    1. If you believe someone has accessed the OCEG Site using your username and password without your authorization, please inform us at support@oceg.org.
    2. Each Member must have their own account. You may not share accounts or update account details with the purpose of sharing accounts (e.g., registering with one email address and then changing that email address so that another individual may use Site Content). You may not share log in credentials with other people.
    3. You must use your real name and may not access the OCEG Site using aliases.
    4. If you are banned for violating these Terms of Service, Membership Agreement and Software License, and Privacy Policy, you may not attempt to circumvent access controls by using new email addresses, names or aliases.
  9. Renewal and Automatic Billing
    1. If you have an individual or organizational AAP that is not set up for automatic renewal (e.g., you asked for an invoice and made payment by check), we will make reasonable attempts to contact you when your access subscription is due to expire and offer a simple process for renewing. If your membership or subscription expires before you accept our renewal offer, your access to OCEG and all of its services at the level of your membership or subscription will terminate without additional notice. Any special offers or discounts obtained upon your initial membership, subscription or any subsequent renewals may not necessarily be offered on renewal, and we reserve the right to change our fees at any time without notice.
    2. IMPORTANT: If you purchase an All Access Pass or any other subscription based access by credit card through our Site, your card will be automatically charged upon annual renewal dates and/or for scheduled monthly payments following the initial term. If you wish to cancel your subscription at any time after the initial term, you may access "Billing & Receipts" features of your profile (upper right corner of the Site) and click the Cancel button. Please contact us at support@oceg.org if you have any trouble. Please make sure to cancel prior to the renewal date. Once a renewal charge has been processed, it will not be refunded. Also, please let us know if you wish to change your credit card or update expiration dates on it, prior to renewal dates.



  11. Digital Millennium Copyright Act Provisions
    1. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof and believe that any User Submission or other content infringes upon your copyrights, you may submit a notification pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) by providing our Copyright Agent with the following information in writing (see 17 U.S.C 512(c)(3) for further detail):
      1. A physical or electronic signature of a person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
      2. Identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or, if multiple copyrighted works at the OCEG Site are covered by a single notification, a representative list of such works at the Site.
      3. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled and information reasonably sufficient to permit the service provider to locate the material.
      4. Information reasonably sufficient to permit OCEG to contact you, such as an address, telephone number, and, if available, an electronic mail.
      5. A statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
      6. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
      7. OCEG’s designated Copyright Agent to receive notifications of claimed infringement is: Carole Stern Switzer, 4144 N. 44th Street, Suite 6, Phoenix, AZ 85018 or support@oceg.org. For clarity, only DMCA notices should go to the Copyright Agent; any other feedback, comments, requests for technical support, and other communications should be directed to support@oceg.org. You acknowledge that if you fail to comply with all of the requirements of this Section 5(D), your DMCA notice may not be valid.
    2. Counter-Notice. If you believe that your User Submission that was removed (or to which access was disabled) is not infringing, or that you have the authorization from the copyright owner, the copyright owner’s agent, or pursuant to the law, to post and use the content in your User Submission, you may send a counter-notice containing the following information to the Copyright Agent:
      1. Your physical or electronic signature.
      2. Identification of the content that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the content appeared before it was removed or disabled.
      3. A statement that you have a good faith belief that the content was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or a misidentification of the content; and
      4. Your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, a statement that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal court in Phoenix, Arizona, and a statement that you will accept service of process from the person who provided notification of the alleged infringement.
    3. If a counter-notice is received by the Copyright Agent, OCEG may send a copy of the counter-notice to the original complaining party informing that person that it may replace the removed content or cease disabling it in 10 business days. Unless the copyright owner files an action seeking a court order against the content provider, member or user, the removed content may be replaced, or access to it restored, in 10 to 14 business days or more after receipt of the counter-notice, at OCEG’s sole discretion.
  12. General
    1. This Agreement, and the OCEG Member Agreement if you have entered into such under the terms above, contain the final and entire agreement between us regarding your use of the OCEG Site and supersede all previous and contemporaneous verbal or written negotiations, understandings, or agreements regarding your use of the OCEG Site.
    2. We may discontinue or change the Site or its availability to you, at any time.
    3. This Agreement is personal to you, which means that you may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone. No third party is a beneficiary of this Agreement.
    4. You agree that this Agreement, as well as any and all claims arising from this Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, United States of America applicable to contracts made entirely within Arizona and wholly performed in Arizona, without regard to any conflict or choice of law principles. The sole jurisdiction and venue for any litigation arising out of this Agreement will be an appropriate federal or state court located in Phoenix, Arizona. This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.

OCEG Privacy Policy

The following discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for the OCEG Site. Additional terms regarding the collection, use and disposition of personal data are included in the OCEG Membership Agreement. For legal information and further details, please read our Membership Agreement and Terms of Use (above).

OCEG seeks to ensure the ethical use of information collected online and to protect the privacy of those who register on or otherwise use our Site. In addition to the provisions regarding data of anyone who enters into an OCEG Member Agreement, we follow these privacy practices:

  1. Information we collect
    When you register on the OCEG Site, we ask you to provide certain information in order to gain access to content and features on the Site. The following fields are required to subscribe:
    1. First & Last Name
    2. Company Name
    3. Title / Position (your job title)
    4. Billing / Credit Card Information (where applicable)
    5. E-mail Address
    6. Mailing Address and Phone Number
    7. Username (which may be your email address)
    8. Password
  2. Voluntary Information. We ask that you provide additional voluntary information to complete your profile so that we may serve you better. The more information you provide about your interests and your organization, the more we can provide content of interest to you.
  3. Course Information and Recordings. When you attend online classes, these sessions may be recorded and used in accordance with the OCEG Membership Agreement.
  4. Anonymous information is collected for every visitor to the OCEG site. This includes:
    1. Device or System Information such as hardware model, operating system, device identifiers, browser type.
    2. Use information such as pages viewed, date and time. IP numbers are used to determine domain type and in some cases, geographic region. We do not make any association between this information and a visitor's identity.
    3. Information may be stored on your hard drive in a “cookie file.” We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you’re logged in so we can make it easier for you to access the Website. We use cookies to help us keep your account and the Website safe and secure. You have the ability to accept or decline use of cookies. If you wish to block or delete such files, most browsers provide a method for doing so; however, you may be restricted from logging in to or accessing our website.
  5. Release to Third Parties
    1. You may disallow the release of personally identifiable information to third parties.
    2. We never provide contact information, or names, of any individuals or entities that participate in any OCEG benchmarking studies to anyone, except to the extent that you answer a question indicating that you want to be contacted to participate in future benchmarking or research with OCEG or any survey sponsor.
    3. From time to time, we send you email on behalf of GRC thought leaders and organizations, when they wish to send you information that is GRC related and of value to our members. If you wish to opt-out and prevent receiving such communications, you may do so by using the unsubscribe/manage link at the bottom of any communication or changing the communication preferences associated with your username in the My Account section of the Site when you are logged in.
    4. We provide contact information of those who download sponsored materials or participate in sponsored webinars to the Sponsors of those products and events. If you are asked to register for such download or attendance by providing your contact information, it will be shared with the Sponsors who may use it to contact you, so if you don’t want that to happen, don’t download the item or register for the event.
    5. Completing the registration form for one of our events or download offers constitutes opting-in to your information being shared with the identified Sponsor of that item for the purpose of being further transferred, stored, processed and used within the Sponsor company and/or third parties that the Sponsor may choose at its reasonable discretion, for research and marketing activities. You are also opting-in to receiving promotional electronic communications, such as, but not limited to, phone calls, faxes, e-mail, newsletters and related materials, from the Sponsor or from third parties on behalf of the Sponsor.
    6. When Member has an All Access Pass provided through a subscription (bundle) purchased and managed by Member’s employer, OCEG may provide the employer with information regarding such Member’s certification status.
    7. When Member applies for any certification, Member's name and email address will be shared with GRC Certify to support access to the certification exam and issuance of the certification. Member should review and agree to the GRC Certify terms of use and privacy policy.
  6. Use of Data
    1. Personally identifiable information you give us will be used to:
      1. Process billing and orders for products/services you choose to purchase on our Site
      2. Send you information you may request and/or personalize the content you see based on personal preferences
      3. Send you occasional updates about OCEG activities and developments and about those of other organizations that relate to governance, risk management, ethics, compliance and other business issues which we believe you will find valuable.
      4. Help us identify the time, date, Internet location, and system information you use during any purchase. This information will assist us in the event of fraud against your credit card.
      5. Provide us with aggregate information about use of our Site to help us understand what role in organizations (e.g., lawyer, auditor, etc.) and what types of organizations use our Site, so that we may improve its usability and value. We also use aggregate data from online surveys you choose to fill out for research and publication purposes. Individuals or firms are not identified in any such research or publication.
      6. We may include the names of subscribing companies (or companies of unidentified individual members) in promotional materials, but this would not include personally identifiable information.
      7. Meet audit needs of certification authorities for CPE program reviews.
    2. We also may disclose and use personally identifiable information in special circumstances where it is necessary to enforce our Member Agreements or Terms of Use, such as when it may be necessary to protect our intellectual property rights. We may also disclose or use your personal information when we believe that the law requires us to do so.
    3. We will release your personal information as ordered by any court of law, and we do not guarantee that we will provide prior or subsequent notice to you. We will not challenge, or defend against any action seeking, such a court order.
  7. Cookies
    We use cookies to help you navigate our Site, suggest content you may want to see in our site, or to help us fulfill an order you may place. We also use cookies to understand how users navigate our Site and to improve user interactions and flows. You can remove any cookies in your own device at any time and if you do so, you will be asked to agree to our terms each time you return to use the site.
  8. How we store and protect information
    We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and in our Member Agreement unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. This information is retained and used in accordance with existing laws, rules, regulations, and other policies.We have implemented reasonable measures to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration and disclosure. However, the transmission of information is not completely secure. We cannot guarantee the security of personal information transmitted to us, and any transmission of such information is at your own risk. Our website may contain links to third party websites and online services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of third party websites.
  9. Children
    OCEG’s policy is that our website may be used only by users who are over the age of 18. We do not intentionally collect any information from children or users that we have reason to believe are under the age of 18. However, if a parent learns that a child has submitted Personal Information to our website, the parent should contact us and that information will be deleted.
  10. Links
    The OCEG Site contains links to other Sites, but we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies of other Sites. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each Site you visit.
  11. 'Do Not Track’ notifications
    Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you using a “Do Not Track” signal. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context. Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our practices when we receive a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser.
  12. Notification of Changes
    We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post any changes here, so be sure to check back periodically. Your use of the Site constitutes your agreement to the terms in effect at the time of your use.

    Subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law, you have a right to access or request correction or deletion of most personal data that we have about you. In some circumstances, it may not be possible for us to provide you with all of your personal data. For instance, there may be instances where disclosing the requested information would impact the privacy of another individual. Where we cannot provide access to personal data held about you, we will tell you why.

    If you think that any personal data we hold about you is inaccurate, you may contact us using the contact details below and we will take reasonable steps to ensure that the information is corrected. We may take steps to verify your identity before providing you access to your personal data.

    If you send any request for access to or correction of your personal data, we will do our best to respond within a reasonable period after your request. We may retain all information you submit for backups, archiving, prevention of fraud, legal compliance or where we have a legitimate reason to do so, including to:

    Contact us electronitcally at support@oceg.org to:
    1. ask questions about this Privacy Statement or our privacy practices
    2. to obtain a copy of this Privacy Statement in paper format
    3. request access to information that we have about you
    4. correct any information you have provided
    5. delete information that we have about you

OCEG and GRC Certify Certification Exam Application, Terms of Service, and Policy

If you choose to take one of the certification exams, you are additionally bound by these terms that are presented at the beginning of the exam.

When I apply for this or any certification and credential (“certification” and “credential” below) on the OCEG or GRC Certify Site I agree to these terms and policies.

Plain Language Overview

I understand, acknowledge, and agree that I will:

  1. behave with courtesy and integrity
  2. answer all questions without the assistance of others
  3. represent my related certifications and credentials honestly
  4. maintain and improve my professional knowledge and competence
  5. follow all certification policies, procedures, guidelines, and requirements

I understand that certification depends on my ability to meet all applicable requirements. The information in this application is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and is made in good faith. I understand that if any information is later determined to be false or misleading, OCEG and GRC Certify reserve the right to revoke any certification(s) and credential(s) granted on the basis thereof.

Adherence to the Code of Conduct and Unified Certification Maintenance Program

Should I be awarded the credential, I agree to abide by the Protector Code of Conduct and the Unified Certification Maintenance program. I will notify OCEG and GRC Certify if I develop the incapacity to perform my professional responsibilities..

Proper Use of Credentials

Should I be awarded the credential, I agree to properly use the associated designation(s), logo(s), and seal(s) of this certification. If notified of misuse, I will immediately correct my use of the designation(s), logo(s), and seal(s). Should OCEG or GRC Certify suspend or revoke my certification, I will not use associated designation(s), logo(s), and seal(s) during the time of suspension. Should OCEG or GRC Certify revoke my certification, I will return my certificate and cease use of the associated designation(s), logo(s), and seal(s).

Exam Attempts and Retake Policy

OCEG has arranged with GRC Certify a generous retake policy and has included six (6) attempts in the All Access Pass. In the event that you fail your first (1st) attempt to pass any OCEG / GRC Certify certification examination, OCEG / GRC Certify does not require any waiting period between the first (1st) and second (2nd) attempt to pass such examination. However, before your third (3rd) attempt or any subsequent attempt to pass such examination, you shall be required to wait for a period of at least seven (7) calendar days from the date of your last attempt to pass such examination. This period should be used to study for the exam before making another attempt. Any attempt found to be in violation of the retake policy will be invalidated and the candidate may be subject to a suspension period. Repeat violators will be permanently banned from participation in the OCEG / GRC Certify certification program.

Exam Confidentiality

I understand, acknowledge, and agree:

  1. The exam questions and answers are the exclusive and confidential property of OCEG and GRC Certify.
  2. I will not disclose the exam questions or answers or discuss any of the content of the exam materials with any person without the prior written approval of OCEG and GRC Certify, and I will not use any of the exam questions, answers or exam materials except as otherwise authorized by OCEG and GRC Certify.
  3. I will not copy or attempt to make copies of any exam material, including, without limitation, any exam questions or answers.
  4. I will not sell, license, distribute, give away, or obtain from any source other than OCEG and GRC Certify the exam materials, questions, or answers.
  5. I will not create or contribute to certification efforts competitive with OCEG and GRC Certify for three years from taking the examination.
  6. I am solely responsible for the answers provided on the test(s) and that they were not supplied via assistance by other individuals.
  7. My obligations under this Agreement shall continue in effect after the examination and, if applicable, after revocation of my certification, regardless of the reason or reasons for revocation and whether such revocation is voluntary or involuntary.
  8. The unauthorized use or disclosure of OCEG and GRC Certify information would cause OCEG and GRC Certify to incur irreparable harm for which monetary damages may be difficult to ascertain or an inadequate remedy. Accordingly, I agree that OCEG and GRC Certify will have the right to seek equitable relief to enjoin any unauthorized use or disclosure of its information and materials, in addition to any other rights and remedies it may have at law or otherwise.
  9. If one or more provisions of this Agreement are found invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected in any way. A waiver of my breach of any provision of this Agreement will not operate as or be deemed to be a waiver of my prior, concurrent, or subsequent breach of that or any other provision of this Agreement.

This OCEG and GRC Certify Certification Exam Application, Terms of Service, and Policy may be amended or modified only with the written consent of OCEG and GRC Certify. I hereby release, discharge, and exonerate OCEG and GRC Certify, its directors, officers, members, examiners, representatives, and agents from any actions, suits, obligations, damages, claims, or demands arising out of, or in connection with, any aspect of the application process including results or any other decision that may result in a decision not to issue me a certificate for any reason. If one or more provisions of this statement are found invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this statement will not be affected in any way.