Strong opinions and shared thoughts on governance, risk management and compliance. By OCEG, the creators of GRC and Principled Performance.


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Certification Starter Kit

Free Integrated GRC Career Development Certification

The Ultimate Guide to GRC Certification: OCEG’s Certification Suite

Certification Career Development Careers & Jobs

Enhancing Job Security through GRC Certification: A Multifaceted Approach to Career Resilience

Maximizing Your Earning Potential with GRC Certifications

Expanding Horizons: OCEG Welcomes GRC Solutions Korea as Strategic Training Partner

Professional Investments: Exploring the Value of Continuing Professional Education

OCEG Partners with PwC’s Academy: Empowering GRC Professionals in the Middle East

Breaking Down Silos: How GRC Enhances Organizational Cohesion

Unlocking Career Success: Navigating the Path to the Best Integrated GRC Certification Suite

Choosing a Professional Certifying Organization: Aligning Your Professional Values with Your Continuing Education

Navigating OCEG's Professional Certifications Suite: Core Certifications Vs. Integrated Professional Certifications

Careers & Jobs Integrated GRC Career Development

New Certification: Unveiling OCEG’s Audit Certification

Internal Audit Assurance / Audit Audit

OCEG's 2024 Pricing Structure


Generative AI and GRC: A Game Changer or a Risk?

AI GRC Capabilities

The Rise of AI in GRC: Are You Prepared?

AI GRC Capabilities

Discovering GRC Potential: How Military Competencies Can Drive Principled Performance in Organizations

Integrated GRC

30 Days to Mastering OCEG's Principled Performance: A Military Veteran's Guide

Integrated GRC

Leveraging Military Experience for Success in GRC: Why Veterans Should Consider Complementing Learning Pathways with OCEG’s Certifications

Integrated GRC

Whistleblower's Record $279 Million Award Underscores Importance of Tipster Protections and Hotlines

The GRC Capability Model 3.5: A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest Governance Risk and Compliance Capability Model

Certification GRC Capabilities Principled Performance Capability Model

Email Template: OCEG Pro All Access Membership Reimbursement Request

Careers & Jobs Free Certification

Tracking Assassins – How Weakness in Data Privacy Helped Find the Navalny Poisoners

Data Privacy

The Protector Mindset: A GRC Gateway to Jobs for Veterans

Integrated GRC

Let's talk Policy: Policies and the Flexible Workforce

Policy Management