Data Privacy Management Beyond GDPR

July 31 - 17:00 until 18:00

(GMT | Greenwich Mean Time)

This event does not qualify for CPE credits

This webinar addresses the key steps and stages of data privacy protection, drawing on the Fair Information Practice Principles and highlighting key success factors and common errors.

Organizations that handle personal information face increasingly complex challenges to effectively manage privacy risk and compliance.The impact of these challenges covers the entire information life cycle.

Ensuring data privacy goes beyond the requirements of geographically specific requirements such as the European GDPR. An effective data privacy management should also have defined, auditable processes and policies that are consistent with the Fair Information Practice Principles.

This webinar addresses the key steps and stages of data privacy protection, drawing on the Fair Information Practice Principles and highlighting key success factors and common errors.

Learning Objectives:

Outline the ways to limit amounts and types of data collected and maintained

Define methods for monitoring changes in privacy laws, regulations and practices

Determine ways to limit use that reduce risks to data breach

Assess the capability of technologies to manage and protect data


Marshall Toburen, GRC Strategist with RSA Archer specializing in Enterprise, Operational, and Third Party Risk Management

Carole Switzer, OCEG™ Co-Founder & President

CPE Credit Notice

This is a group internet-based event for NASBA authorized continuing education credit. OCEG™ webinars are free for anyone to attend, but only Attendees who have an OCEG™ All Access Pass will receive a Certificate of Completion for the webinar indicating 1 hour of CPE credit.

OCEG™ is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: For information regarding administrative issues such as complaints or refunds, please contact OCEG™ at info@oceg™.org.

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